by Frank Glodek
All Images and Graphics Copyright © 2004
Sunday, September 11, 2005 | email: frankglodek@yahoo.com | |
July 28, 2005 - I have updated most of the other pages on my website. It required massive relabeling and organization of hundreds of files. Whew! Now it's time to start uploading new pictures. I have so many that I have been meaning to post, but have been lost admist the clutter. Take a peek around the site and see if you can find them. :) July 26, 2005 - A BIG UPDATE! The server where I host my comic has changed names! Please replace any old Brothers Forever links with the new address http://brothersforever.comicgenesis.com That, and I just created some new art pages for you to view. :) I promised them yesterday, but had some technical difficulties. Go to the extras page to view them.
July 25, 2005 - *Poke, Poke!* Quit poking me, Schwickety! I'll update the darn web page already! My summer has been flying by, and I have sloooooowly been working on some new pieces of art. I have created a new section to the Brothers Forever comic web page that contains some more of my own original artwork. There are some images that are Not Safe For Work (NSFW) !!! There is some tasteful nudity, but I don't want anybody to get in trouble. You can view my original art tomorrow when I fix the web page. The new main image is the Keenspace Mascot based on R-Pin's character design. He is an amazing artist, you should check out his comic here. Lastly, check out this great artist's forum that I found. You can chat with tons of other artists at Concept Art.
July 5, 2005 - These are several pieces that I drew this past January and meant to post way before now. I refinished the colors on Vanessa's cast portrait and have redone a lot of the line work digitally in Photoshop. As my drawing is improving I become uncomfortable seeing so-called "glaring" errors in my previous work. I then normally succeed in over working the picture, or putting it away for months and not working on it. Alas, the dilemmas of a budding artist. No new links for you to view today, but I must say a big thanks to Bekka from over at, THE NOOB, for posting the guest art that I drew for her on her front page. She quintupled the traffic to my site for a whole week! It made my daily average viewers jump up to 77, from the usual 55-60. Pretty cool. :) I have included the guest art I drew for Bekka in the Fanart section of the website. I have several other drawings I would like to post, but I have to create a separate page for my artistically nude drawings. I don't want anyone to accidentally stumble over them at work!
June 12, 2005 - Another bee-aaa-UUU-tiful piece of artwork for you guys. This one took me damn near forever to finish because of all the little errors I made when inking her in. You saw her unfinished about two months ago as a filler art. Now, you can see Final Fantasy XII's rabbit-girl in all her glory. She's not a perfect recreation as I took some liberties with color and facial features, but I like the way she turned out regardless. :) I have finished another piece of art that I will post here sometime next week. YEEEEAAA!!! Thanks to everybody who still stops by and checks out my drawings and comics. June 1, 2005 - Some minor updates to the web page, mostly in layout. I felt that my comics were too far down on the page with the vote buttons at the top, so I tried to bring them more in line with the title. I also remove the BCX comics voting link because they have been down for soooo long. I might put it back up, if I find that they have finally paid their hosting bill! I finally added the archive link to the top of the page with the correct roll-over effects (that only took about 6 months to do!). I wanted to highlight some of the other art websites that I've come across during my internet crawling, and so I have created a section to bring more focus to the recent comics/art I am enjoying. I have fixed some of the links on my link page too, as some of the comic links no longer work, some have gone on hiatus, and some have turned to other creative efforts and foregone their comic-drawing destinies. I will also have the links comics listed by some sort of content rating so that you aren't accidentally opening up NSFW files while at work! : P I am almost done with several other pieces of art. I have some cast pictures, and I only have mine to finish (sad that I actually haven't drawn a comic featuring the main characters since Valentine's Day!). Alright, that's it! Thanks for stopping by my site again!
May 21, 2005 - Another day dawns, and I actually have another finished piece of artwork! This one is entitled, "Natural Healing", and has been partially finished for months. I have been getting back into the mood to paint since I finished some business websites I have been working on. It is fun to have my work posted on the web, but ultimately very draining. It sucked the creativeness out of me for a while. Here are some funny sites you should check out! First is the newest Marvel series entitled, SPIDERMAN and JESUS: Back in the saddle. HAHA! Just kidding, but this parody is funny nonetheless. :) The second website is one that I think all Sealab fans should check out. THIS is the guy that does the voice for Stormy Waters! He's a regular TV commentator! Who knew? But his voice acting is sooo good for Stormy. That's all for today. If you are done looking at this site and need to see some more of my work, check out my photo site.
May 10, 2005 - Hello everybody! It seems like just yesterday that I was busy posting art on a comics webpage...What's that? It wasn't yesterday?! There's only one explanation for my mysterious dissappearance...ALIENS! Or more than likely it's because I have been slowly giving my life away to the marvel that is, World of Warcraft. Yes, I have four characters and I'm playing for complete server domination. Ryan thinks he's so slick with his Level 60 Paladin..Phhhhff--HA! I will CRUSH YOU! MUAHAHAHA! Er-hem. Anyway, I have started to draw and color again, but mostly single-shot images and not comics. I hope you'll still keep checking out my art until I'm in the mood to draw some comics again. And if you like it, send me an email or some guest art once in a while! It does miracles for boosting my enthusiasm for this stuff! :)
March 19, 2005 - Holy Rusty Metal, Batman! It has been ages since I've had the chance to touch this web page! Extra hours at work and a side job of web page design have been keeping my super busy. I am currently working on the new comic pencils and have several pieces of art in the works. So stick around for more fun! :) Today's comic filler is one of the pieces I am working on. I am so psyched for Final Fantasy XII, even though it won't be coming out in the US until around next Christmas time or later. This is one of the main characters and she is of the Viera race. Basically, she's a hot rabbit in high heels! :) Oooooooo, bunny girl. When I completely finish her, you can view her in the Extras section.
Lastly, but certainly not least, I drew a guest art for a fellow artist on the keenspace server. Her handle is Nanda, and she draw a comic that really captures teenage angst and humor in, Ugly Girl. Please check out the art, and then go see her site! Double lastly, I am working on some new cast drawings as well. They are pretty fun and the inked versions have come out great. I colored in Jake, but still have the others to do. You will see them all when I finish! ....I know I shouldn't have an uber-lastly, but I must give credit to the amazing drawing talents of Mr. Bob. He drew all of the regular visitors to the forums, and my character was included. See his version of me and then go see the rest!
February 24, 2005 - A slight update to the other main pages of the website and my FIRST TUTORIAL! This is my biggest news and I am super excited to share it with you and get your comments. I will post it on several other sites so that others can see it as well. What is it may you ask? A Photoshop 7.0 - Painting Clouds Tutorial! Ten steps and you will have great backgrounds for your comics and illustrations. In other news, I also have put up two new cast pictures, 6 new avatar images, one guest art icon (also seen as my daily icon), added the link banner to Tales of Pylea and fixed the link to White Hydra. Van has left Keenspace to stake his claim on the wild internet.
February 14, 2005 - HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Not only am I wishing you a very festive (and corporate) holiday, but I am also presenting you with a new piece of artwork! Vanessa and I just made it back from DC this weekend and I sacrificed my sleep for your viewing pleasure. :) We had a great time with some college friends going to bars, and staying up late, and checking out the neat-o dinosaur fossils at the National Museum! Thanks guys for the fun time! It's late, so this is going to be kept short today. I am not going to route through my emails tonight to find Aimee's banners, but you should check out her beautiful artwork anyway. She was nice enough to take some time to write me about her work, so I'm pimping her site today :) Check out Tales of Pylea!!!! A new piece of Cast Art will be put up in a couple of days. You can see the preview clip as my daily icon above. *tension mounts in anticipation!*
February 9, 2005 - A new day has dawned and a new comic is finally posted! YEAH! This is the comic I have been promising my brother and my best friend for almost two months and have not had the time or the energy to complete. I hope it wasn't "hyped" too much in the mean time, and that you still find it funny! I was determined to get this comic up before the Valentine's Day Special comic will be colored (I had BETTER get that one up on time!). I will also soon be posting some sketched fanart that I drew for some other artists on the Keenspace forums. It's a really great atmosphere for picking up drawing techniques and for chatting with some fun people. Random Link of the Day: Gizzoogle. Go here and type in the url of your favorite websites. It will automatically load the website using ebonics text. It's fun to do! So go do it! Now! :)
February 5, 2005 - Have been working on some guest art for another Keenspace artist for the last several days. I created a moody scene using the dark elf named Komiyan for the creator of Darken. You can view my artistic endeavors here annnnnnnnd here. Hope you like them! And check out Komi's work too! You won't be dissapointed! In other news, I am also working on a Valentine's cast picture. Hopefully I will find the time this week to have it ready for next Monday. Then if you don't have a present for your significant other you can just print out my picture and say, "I Love You....but I'm too cheap to buy you anything. So I printed this comic out." Hopefully you won't get smacked across the room. :) Oh yeah! I'm not sure if any of you web-savvy individuals have seen this gem yet, but I fricken loved it! It's a Flash music video that a Disney animator made for an Australian band. The name of the song is, "Everybody has had more sex than me" so don't play this at work. The cartoon itself is PG. Thanks to Bernard Derriman for his excellent animation. :)
January 31, 2005 - I am a lazy lazy boy. It's okay though! Here is a quicky comic that I whipped out tonight in about 45 minutes. I have been playing with a ton of new software and the image of my brother mindlessly toying with a Metroid suddenly came to mind. Oh yeah. :) If that Metroid was a brain sucker, HE'D BE STARVING!!! Haha! Hope you like it, Jake. :) I placed several new links on my Links page that you should most definitely check out. One is for a fellow Keenspacer who created a comic called, College Pros. Thanks for the mutual link! Another link is to the fabulously drawn, Reman Mythology. It is amazing how many wonderful artists are so close to me and yet I have never met any of them. I really need to contact some people and go out to lunch to discuss some great art techniques. Lastly, I have included a well known comic by the name of Inverloch. Once again another comic that is some of the best illustrations found on the web. I hope you enjoy all three stories as much as I have.
January 25, 2005 - "Thor's Hammer!", this month has flown! I have been busy sketching stuff, but have not had enough time to post the new comic. This is also partly because I am learning some new painting techniques in Photoshop and I have chosen this upcoming comic to practice on. Trust me, this will help make future coloring jobs much, much quicker, but for the time being you need to bear with me! I think you will really like the next comic when it comes up. :) In other news, I am a complete patsy at work and now I have to drive all the way to Allentown, PA tomorrow to escort several guests from the Netherlands. I guess you could say, "ROADTRIP!", but there is no alcohol, no guy friends, no blasting music, and no topless girls riding along with me. It should still be an okay day, as long as I can wake up on time. Now on to the goods. I posted a funny drawing of my good friend Bo as "Incentive Art" so that you see it when you vote, but aparently the program doesn't like me very much. So now, I am making it available to everyone to see by going to visit the link on my Extras page. EXCLUSIVE! BO THE GNOME! Lastly, a funny link to get you through your day. It's an oldie, but a goodie from Ebaum's World. This boy tries to woo his girlfriend with a song and it is hilarious! It's safe for work, in case you were wondering. AICHA!
January 7, 2005 - Alright, alright; I'd love to say I've had time to procrastinate, but I've had some serious projects at work and have been working some extra "innings". Bleh! Anyway, I've been dabbling with painting in Photoshop, although I am rarely pleased with my efforts. I need to pick up some books to learn more about painting techniques. Check out the dark elf I created and you can even color the plain inked version if you want. :) Go crazy with it and send me your own colored version; I'll post it on the site!!
January 4, 2005 - Happy New Year everyone! I hope I will be able to provide you all with some interesting and amusing comics and drawings this year. I have been averaging about 55 unique page views a day, so THANK YOU! to everyone who stops by! :) I am in the process of inking my next comic (I'm gonna color this one!) since I've been gone at my parents for the last 11 days. I think you all will like it a lot. In the meantime, check out the THREE NEW SKETCHES that I drew in December. I have several more inked and will be putting them up shortly as well. I must say another big thank you to a very talented artist for linking to my site. Mary Gustave draws a great comic with an intriguing and humorous storyline called SOUL-D. Please stop by her site and pay her a visit! :)
December 15, 2004 - Yea!! A new comic! It's kinda like an early Christmas present for free! (I didn't see any gifts from you under the tree....). This is the classic saying that my brother and I used on my parents for every video game we've ever played. Parents have no idea what this magical save point is or why the hell it is always so elusive at bed time, but it always spared us a little extra time to stay up! Jake and Ryan are holding us up from going to get our drink on by playing some computer game (most likely WOW). I quickly fix the problem by finding the fastest "save point"! :) Also, it looks like we might be seeing a new character in some upcoming comics! Dare I say we might even be seeing more characters! Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks for all the cartoony-goodness. By the way, I love listening to video game MIDI files while I'm working on my comics. You should go to VGMusic, to see the largest FREE collection of MIDI's on the internet. It will definitely be worth your time.
December 14, 2004 - Thanks to those of you who scroll down this far! No new comic yet, but I did just finish a snazzy guest art for a fellow webcomic artist who draws Cortland; a fun webcomic that pits one Apple user against the rest of the desktop using world. It is very funny, and in many cases all too true! As for my comic, it slowly plods along, as I try to find time to continue the story. Hopefully I will have something up for you all later this week. In other news, I just saw that Nintendo is coming out with another Zelda game for the Game Boy Advance in early January.It's called the Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, and it is a prequel to the "Four-Swords" saga on the GBA. There are tons of new weapons and, if you couldn't tell by the title, the ability to shrink to a miniscule size to rescue the proncess. (That girl has more issues than any real girl I know! Poor Link!) Zelda is one of my personal all-time favorites and I think I may get a GBA just to play those and the Nintendo Final Fantasy games. I have already downloaded all of the midi's for the game and have been chillin' to them while drawing at my drafting table. You should check out more details here -->
December 8, 2004 - Sup, neebs? I finished this cartoon weeks ago, and finally have had ten minutes to update my page and post it. I'm trying a slightly new style on some of my work, just to try and develop my drawing skills a little bit further. It's fun and keeps the drawing more interesting. If you haven't had time to check, I have FOUR NEW drawings on my EXTRAS!!! page! I drew them as part of a comic 'game" where each artist draws their character's interaction in the storyline. It was fun to do and gave me an opportunity to work on something different. The comic updates have also been a little slow because I am busy sketching many off-comic drawings and learning Flash programming. It has really been sucking up all of my extra time. I promise the comics will continue to come, so keep stopping back to check them out!
November 25, 2004 - Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble, Gobble, Turkey Day! :) This little comic is a tribute to a little song that I created and subsequently drove my family crazy with one Thanksgiving many years ago. It's the "Turkey-Day" song and it is sung to the tune of "Peter Cottontail". It's so stupid, but so catchy, I can get everyone in the house singing it by the time the turkey is on the table. Anyway, hope everyone has an enjoyable Thanksgiving!! Also, I know all my family members vote, but for the rest of you, if you really like my comic, click those little links at the top of my page. They help raise my comic status on some large webcomic lists and mean that more people will see my comic. That also means I will get better and better at updating my comic. So, please vote!!!
November 23, 2004 - Today (or last night even) I finished up some sketches that I completed months and months ago. I quickly colored them and added one to the cast page (a swimsuit edition Vanessa) and one to the extras page (some doodles to stimulate my creative juices). Also, a wonderful surprise in the mail today! A guest art that I have been waiting for a very long time to post has finally arrived from fellow artist Willy G of Delineated Life: It's About Girls!! He drew all four of my characters like a 90's version of a Marvel Comic! Check out the picture and then check out his comic!
November 20, 2004 - Well kids, I have returned! This gem of a comic is based on my adventures (mis-adventures?) in Lucas Art's newest Star Wars incarnation. When first starting I found that the two or three hits it took to kill my guy were not even enough for me to run to the nearest turret gun. My ass was repeatedly handed to me by the computer and I had to shake my head in shame. Have my seventeen years of video-gaming experience been for naught!?! Has my little brother been programming for Playstation so that the AI beats me just as soundly when he isn't around?!?! Not to fear, though the learning curve was a little high, I eventually got around to mastering the universe, so to speak. I even get the elusive title of sniper when I play the game online. (Yes, I'm a camper!) GUEST ART! GUEST ART! I have received a couple new pieces of guest art from some fellow Keenspacers! The first comic is by Warren, the author of the long running and very funny comic Spare Change. And the second artist, Ymmot is a little newer to the scene, but no less talented. His comic, simply named Bob demonstrates some great storytelling and humorous (if a little dark) illustrations! Please check out their work as well! Anyway, sorry to those few of you who use the Tag-Board. It was really shitty and was doubling the load time on my page, sometimes not even loading half my page, and then the remaining time it came up as an 404 error. So I said goodbye to that and am currently reading my javascript book for a more convenient solution. Let's see...other than that I have been super busy; hence the long delay between updates. I try to work on the comics a little bit each day, but sometimes it's tough to squeak it out between my myriad of other hobbies. I'm also learning Flash programming and a little CSS for those of you in the know. So, be good. And have a good week. Hopefully I'll have another update for you soon! :) -Frank
November 5, 2004 - Yea! My longest comic to complete ever, but it is finally done! I was trying to get more of an action feel to it, and I think it turned out alright. :) Please forgive the enormous file size (almost 300 kb), but I was sacrificing too much quality to post it any smaller. The Photoshop file was on the order of 500 Megs with all the layers! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I might have a second picture going up tonight as well. Peace! :)
October 30, 2004 - Hello again! I finished my third and final Halloween piece! As you can see above, I posted it as the comic. You can see a creepy B&W version on the cast page as well. Have a safe Halloween everyone! I'll see you later this week!
October 29, 2004 - I've decided to do a slight redesign to my page. Nothing major, just adding a Tag-Board for comments and creating some fun Hallo-weeny pictures for Jake and Ryan. I am almost done with a new comic which will also hopefully be posted this weekend. Stay tuned, kiddos. I will be back! Oh, Yea! I also made a new archive button (as seen to the left) and all the old posts can be accessed from the hyperlink at the bottom of this box. Also, the voting buttons have been moved down to this table as well to free up space at the top of the comic. Please keep voting, every one counts! If I can get enough votes, I'll start making T-shirts! :) That is all. October 26, 2004 - Holy Filler Art, Batman! Hi everyone! :) It feels like I never get the chance to finish any drawings recently. Well, tonight I managed to pull myself away from GTA: San Andreas for about 2 and a 1/2 hours to color and shade this beauty. His name is Kua-Toa and he is a DnD creature that I really liked. So I sketched him out and finished him (I also felt he felt rather "Hallo-weeny"!). The comics will resume soon, I promise you. I have one that is more than half complete but Vanessa said my one pose is completely wrong, so I need to redraw to frames on my comic. In other news, I am excited about some new art supplies that I picked up at AC Moore. Some fineline Pigma pens are now gracing my inking collection. I can't wait to try them out. I've heard such good things about them. I also picked up a flexible curve and some T-Squares and such. I figure, heh, can't hurt! Alright, guys, until the next post. Adios!
October 21, 2004 - You have my apologies again. I have been working on multiple drawings and comics, but was unable to get them done this week. I also just received my own domain name! So I have been busy with the web design for that site all week to get it up and running. If you'd like to visit it in the meantime, the site is at www.frankglodek.com . Do not worry, I am not giving up on the comic at all! I love drawing this way too much and I have so many comic ideas that I jot down, it's ridiculous!. And don't forget to check out some of my extras art as well. I posted two new pieces on this past Saturday. Thanks for hanging in there, I'll be back soon!
October 16, 2004 - BAD ARTIST! BAD! :) My girlfriend and I had a busy week of moving furniture around, setting up new stuff, going to the gym, and babysitting her cute little nephew. Little need to say I was unable to find the time to draw this week's comic. Then, once I got some free time today, I felt more like coloring in some old inked drawings then starting the pencils for the next one. So, instead of a comic this week, please accept my offering of two new EXTRA ARTs. :) The comic should be updated on the regular schedule this next week. Look for one on Wed-Thur. October 7, 2004 - Hello again! Look a timely update by me! What's the chances?!?! So, I finished my first full color cartoon. Again, it took me way too fricken long, I need to browse through some more of the Keenspace tutorials and brush up on some new photoshop skills. Anyway, I drew the character Schwickety as a doodle and liked him so much I incorporated him into a comic about a month ago. After I got the one piece of fanart for him, I wanted to create a full comic using him and I really like the way this one turned out! I hope you do too! ADDITION! : There is now also an archives page which can be accessed at the top of the daily blurb. Now you can jump to your favorite comic!
October 1, 2004 - Actually, it is the second of October, but I'm back-posting because I named my picture October 1, so there. What are you gonna do about it?!?! :) For those of you who liked the original comic, do not fret, it will be back as soon as I finish up this storyline! It's tough to make a story progress quickly when you can only finish one comic a week. Plus, tack on the additional time it takes to color them (excuses, I know!). Also, check out the piece of guest art that I drew for Birdie, creator of Super Fight Fight, here on Keenspace. Congrats to him, he has made it to his first year anniversary!! Finally, I added some more links to comics that I really enjoy reading. PLease check ouot some of the other very talented artists that I share the web with! :)
September 23, 2004 - Bonjour! Hello everyone! I have just survived my first intercontinental flight. I had a 4 day business trip in France and got to experience a brand new culture. That being said, the wine is delicious, the meat far undercooked, and the dinners about 5 hours longer than they need to be. All in all, it was a fun trip. Now! On to the comics!! I was lucky enough to have drawn this last week, but it still took me a long time to color and edit and finally post! The coloring is a chore in itself, but my readers have all said that they enjoy it. So stay it shall! Finally, and most importantly, I'd like to thank two fellow artists for linking to my site. Nathan Sheaffer is the artist and author of Dungeon Crawl Inc. and Phillip Wright who draws the comic Furmentation. Both comics are definitely worth checking out! Enjoy!
September 15. 2004 - The weeks come and go these days! I've had parts of this cartoon drawn for days, so it shouldn't have taken me nearly as long as it did to finish it. Nevertheless, the story has introduced a new character into the scheme of things. Who is this mystery character, and what will be the outcome of his bold assault on the troll? Will Jake and Ryan be goners?!?! (duhn-duhn-DUUUUNNN!!!) Keep reading to find out!
September 8, 2004 - OH NO! What will happen to our faithful heroes, Jake and Ryan?!?! Will they be able to save Frank from the clutches of the evil troll? Will they be smashed into a billion tiny elf pieces? Better stay tuned until next episode, cadets for the conclusion to this mystery! Also, for those of you who think that I only update the site on the comic days, THINK AGAIN! Check out the other links at the top! I have included several pieces of extra and cast art, and have many more on the way! Many thanks to those who are voting for the comic every day! You can vote once a day on EACH of the two links at the top of the page. They help make my comic rise in the charts and become more accessible to other people!
August 30, 2004 - Yeah!!!! After a short hiatus, the comics have returned! The month of August has been full of travelling and buying things and tearing the stereo out of my doomed Corolla. I am finally getting comforatble enough to throw a little bit of color into the newer comics. Hopefully one day I will have the time to try and do a whole comic for a change! Anyway, thanks for all the voting everyone! My comic is slowly but surely moving up the charts. My goal for the month of September is to make it into the top 100 webcomics. Remember, you can vote everyday! Also, check back in a bit, I may try to redo the cast page today and put up another piece of Extras art!
August 23, 2004 - No new comic yet for this week, although one will be coming shortly. In the meantime, check out the two new additions to the Extras page and check out the nifty Disco Lighting Job on the colored cast picture (just a little different taste, for those of you with a 70's Porn Star soul). Chicka -Bow- Bow!
August 18, 2004 - This comic is cool. Thanks to the cameo of the hamsters from Phillip Wright's comic, Furmentation!!! I had mentioned to him several weeks ago that I would try to fit them into the storyline somewhere. He writes a really funny comic that is definitely worth checking out!
August 12, 2004 - Check out the group cast pic! It took me a reeeaaaalllyy long time to draw and color, so I hope you appreciate it. You know, it wouldn't hurt some of you to send me an email once in a while to tell me what you like, what you hate, and what you think is funny! I really enjoy reading email from friends and fans! P.S. I made the cast pic with 3 different lighting schemes. I'll put up a new one every couple days.
August 10, 2004 - Hello, everyone! Sorry for the missed update last week. I try really hard to draw two comics a week, but my busy schedule sometimes interferes. I had to drive to another state last Thursday to license the new car I bought! What a pain in the butt. If you ever have the chance to buy a car....just steal one! I'm sure it's easier and has fewer consequences. Now on to the comics! Today's comic is about what happens when my brother, Ryan, and I all play the same video game. They power level their characters in about 1/8 the time it takes me to get any cool abilities. By the time I level up close to them, they are tired of the game and move on to something else. Nice guys, real nice. I also have a cast pic that will be going up before too long! I drew it two weeks ago and am almost done coloring it. It'll go on the extras page as soon as I am done!
August 4, 2004 - I'm a little late this week, but with good reason! I bought a car this week and spent most of the money to my name. My poor old Corolla couldn't handle any more abuse. So now I am the proud owner of a car that is smaller than my old one! WTF, MATE! Anywho, here is the newest comic in the Uber Quest Dynasty! I am also going to try and update some other related pages on my website.
July 28, 2004 - I am like a crack-addict when I draw these comics! I have a full time job that I must be up early for, and yet time and time again, I stay up till the ASSCRACK of dawn to finish them. For you l33t gamers out there, this one's for you!
July 26, 2004 - It's not my best work, but perhaps it will lead into some fun storyline! This is what happens when you listen to streaming videogame music on Winamp! :) In addition to the new cartoon, I've also created a banner for site which can be seen under the Links button. I also fixed the archive pages so that there is now a "Home" button to return you to the main page. I will soon fix all the other pages as well. Lastly, I put up some stuff under the "About" webpage. Check it out, if you dare!
July 23, 2004 - Instead of drawing a comic tonight (my first Friday evening at home in about 4 months) I decided to test out my new found abilities to draw Vanessa in a kickin' bikini! :) Oh, yeah...and also to dabble with my slowly growing skills in the Photoshop 7 category. I hope you enjoy it!
July, 21 2004 - Yeah! A new webcomic! Although they get easier to draw, I seem to be having less and less time to actually edit them this summer. Anyway, this comic is a joke about a small scar I have on my back. I got it from a minor surgery, but I tell everyone that I got it from a fight with Vanessa where she stabbed me with a broken beer bottle. You would not believe how many people believe that when Vanessa is really a sweetheart all the time! :) haha! I hope you enjoy it! And keep checking the links at the top as I will be putting some content on them shortly.
July 16, 2004 - I have finally met my Arch Nemesis. I have had enough of his meddlesome ways. He has plagued my waking and sleeping hours. My mind is torn to its utmost limits. The name I looooaaatth to speak..... "JAVASCRIPT!" WHY, GOD!?!?! WHYYYYY!?!?!?!! I have been messing around with some cursed java script all week and couldn't quite get it to work. I even bought a book on the subject and consulted a good friend of mine for assistance. Despite valiant efforts, its simplistic and cunning secrets have eluded my grasp, thus far. I shall be VICTORIOUS!! (5 minutes later i got the site to work. Many thanks to Jeff Drobish and a nifty little book called, "Web design in a Nutshell", by Jennifer Niederst. Also, I hope everyone likes my new comic. My girlfriend has been asking when she might be included into the storyline, and with the ending of the "Spoonie's Saga", I felt it was an appropriate time. Let's see what trouble she stirs up among the boys. She's a fiesty one, that's for sure!! :) REVISION: Vanessa wants it to be known, "on the record", that she did not ask to be in my comic. I, however, do actually like it when she reads my comic. And yes, she is as pretty as that in real life. Now that my good deed is done, here's what Vanessa really does to me (actual IM message): bubblebutt523: so I am the only one with a curve in my nose
July 12, 2004 - No new cartoon today, but I did revamp my index page! It took me all evening, but I feel my trouble was worth it. If you'd like to send some critiques, comments, or fanart please email me at frankglodek@yahoo.com. Also, if anyone would like to swap banners, I am starting to creat a links page as well!
July 11, 2004 - Just got back from a crazy weekend with my roommates and friends from college! WE ARE! PENN STATE! I am going to be very sad person at work tomorrow from lack of sleep, but it was worth it to finish tweaking this cartoon. Hope your enjoy it!
July 8, 2004 - Yes! I am have finally found some fonts that work well with my comic style! I was hand lettering for the comics, but this is much more visible and easier to convey emotions. Today's art work is almost wrapping up the "Spoonies Cereal Saga" (try saying that three times fast!) that I began several strips ago. Thanks to everyone who has been following along! Note: If you look at a "real" Basic 4 box, the ingredients listed are, and I quote, "fruits, nuts, grains, and delicious". I didn't know delicious was so damn good for you! My brother pointed it out and we got a good laugh from it. I have the next comic draft done already, but no time left to edit it tonight. Expect to see it Monday evening! -Frank
July 6, 2004 - Slowly but surely my webpage is fleshing out into a real comic. For those of you who have found the site so far, bear with me. This is a work in artistic progress and will gradually improve (I hope!) The first month of comics is about inside jokes I share with my brother and best friend. They have been getting a kick out of these even if you are having a tough time following along. I also want to start adding some other content to my site; just some other sketches, etc. that I have been working on. Keep coming back to see the new stuff! Thanks! Also check out some of the other great comics on the keenspace site! ~Frank |
Brothers Forever is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.